To reserve your seat at Transport Day please register here.
Date: Sunday 13th November
Venue: The Es Saadi Gardens Resort and Palace which is centrally located in Marrakech, 2km from the venue of COP22
Objectives of the Transport Day Marrakesh
- Develop short, medium and long term perspective for transformative action by the transport sector in support of the ambition level (2DS/1.5DS) demonstrated by the Paris Agreement;
- Build bridges between transport and other sectors in support of integrated action on climate change and sustainable development;
- Support the Moroccan Presidency in realizing its COP22 objectives: (a) global implementation plans of Paris agreement, (b) pre-2020 solutions for Africa; (c) focus on climate adaptation; (d) focus on role of women;
- Contribute towards strengthening of institutional governance in the transport sector further;
- Bring the Transport community together.
Please see speakers’ information here.
Draft Agenda
8:30 – 09:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:15 Opening session
- Holger Dalkman – Co-Chair Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Director WRI/EMBARQ Ross Centre for Sustainable Cities
- Jean-Dominique Senard, CEO Michelin, France
- Amadou Oumarou, Director, Transport, Urban Development, & ICT, African Development Bank
9:15 – 10:15 Plenary session (P1): Transport in a Low Carbon World
This will present the emerging understanding within the transport and climate change community of the transformation required from the transport – to decarbonization its emissions to achieve a 1.5/2DS and will present and discuss pathways towards decarbonization through medium-long term action (Global Roadmap) and short term action (Quick-Wins). The session will also position these efforts by the transport sector vis-à-vis the follow-up mechanisms in the COP21 decision such as global stocktake, next generation NDCs, Low Emission Development Scenarios;
Moderator: Clayton Lane, CEO, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
- Lew Fulton – Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis – University of California, Davis, USA
- Jean-François Gagné, Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, Directorate of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Sudhir Gota, Senior Transport and GHG Consultant, Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
- Patrick Oliva, Senior Vice President, External Relations, Sustainable Mobility & Energy Transition, Michelin, France
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Breakout Sessions #1
Session 1A – Transport adaptation and resilience
Adaptation has perhaps been the ‘poor relation’ in terms of global focus and activity despite commitments made at COP 21. Why is this? Is it the lack of finance, how to dealing with uncertainty, the need for decision support tools, standards and the like? Or is it that some are less than willing or don’t have capacity to understand all this? There are however some excellent examples of transport adaptation initiatives across the globe.
This session will help transport organisations to ‘up their game’ and will include presentations from world-leading experts on:
- Financing adaptation: including tested ways of dealing with uncertainties
- The importance of maintenance in enhancing resilience now and long term
- Tackling organizational skills and capacity aided by standards; fostering adaptation by default
- Moving from theory to practice: a toolbox of adaptation measures
Moderator: Nick Craven, Manager of Unit – Sustainable Development, International Union of Railways
- Shomik Raj Mendiratta, Lead Transport Specialist, World Bank
- Susanna Zammataro, Executive Director, International Roads Federation
- John Dora, Consultant, International Union of Railways
- Onno Musch, Working Group 178, World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure
Session 1B – Multimodality: converging paths towards low carbon cities
Urban transport accounts for 50% of transport-related GHG emissions and these emissions are expected to rise in the next decades, together with the increase in urban population. In (very) fast growing developing cities, the challenge consists in limiting the expected increase in emissions in a context where individual motorization rates rise faster, together with the rise in economic development. Developed cities, on the other hand aim for a drastic reduction in urban transport related emissions. This breakout session aims to present, through various examples and initiatives, from both the developed and developing world, how the integration of the different modal options helps to optimize mobility whilst reducing the environmental impact of transport, and will showcase best practices.
Moderator: Maël Martinie, CODATU
- Barry Howe, Director, Smart/Sustainable Transportation, Alstom
- Markus Delfs, Coordinator, MobiliseYourCity
- Yann Mongaburu, Vice-President, Urban Mobility, Grenoble Métropole, France
- Jorge Kogan, Senior Advisor to the Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF-Development of Latin America
- Amadou Saïdou BA, President, Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD), Member of UITP Sustainable Development Commission
Session 1C – Making freight transport fit for a low-carbon future
Achieving low-carbon freight transport systems is essential for the realization of a sustainable development path. It is increasingly recognized that various measures could help improve the carbon footprint of freight transport and enhance its sustainability. These include, among others, reducing transport and emission intensities, optimizing supply chain structures, shifting to greener modes of transport, improving fuel efficiency and increasing vehicle utilization. Against this background, the session will consider: best practices in terms of green freight and low-carbon solutions that could be applied in the freight transport sector the role of policy makers/regulators and industry players in enabling low-carbon freight transport potential tools and financing solutions that could support low-carbon freight transport projects and initiatives.
Helena Molin Valdes, Head, Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat, UNEP
- Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh
- Donat Bagula, Executive Secretary, Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority, Kenya
- Sudhir Gota, Senior Transport and GHG Consultant, Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
- Sebastian Tolvett, Senior Adviser on Short Live Climate Pollutants, Ministry of Environment, Chile
Session 1D – Fuel Economy
The Fuel Economy session will update attendees on the current state of fuel economy globally; to offer insights into the work the organisers are doing on the issues and to hear from global/regional experts and practitioners
- Sheila Watson, Deputy Director & Director of Environment and Research, FIA Foundation
- Lew Fulton, Director, STEPS (Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways), University of California, Davis, USA
- Jimmy Opelo, Department of Energy, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, Botswana
12:00 – 13:15 Breakout Sessions #2
Session 2A – Looking at climate change and transport from new perspectives
Climate change affects everyone differently and the understanding of its impact on women is underdeveloped. All over the world women are more likely to have the primary responsibility for family care, the provision of food and for caring for children, the elderly and those who are sick. In this respect, women need to access energy for cooking, transport and water on a daily basis to fulfil these activities. As these tasks become more challenging with increased climate extremes and changes in weather patterns there will be a detrimental effect on families in both urban and rural communities. This breakout session will bring new perspectives on climate change and sustainable transport, bringing into focus the gender aspect of climate change, that need particular attention especially in Africa.
Moderator: Heather Allen, Outreach Consultant, Climate and Gender Expert (Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Partnership SLoCaT)
- Eleanor Blomstrom, Co-Director/Head of Office, Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
- Carina Borgstrom-Hansson, Global Lead Earth Hours City Challenge, WWF
- Fazilah Bazari, Office of the Governor Papua New Guinea
- Widad Smyej, Director of Human Resources ALSA
Session 2B – Modelling of very low Carbon Transport Pathways
The commitments under the Paris agreement call for development of targets and strategies to achieve very low CO2 emissions futures consistent with a 2 or even 1.5 degree climatic temperature increase. What does this mean for transport? This session will include a range of transportation modelers presenting relevant work and insights, and a discussion of key issues, including likely targets for transport, how this may vary by country, and the kinds of policies that will be needed to achieve very low CO2 transportation targets.
Moderator: Lew Fulton, STEPS Director, UC Davis, California, USA
- Sonia Yeh, Guest researcher, Energy and Environment, Chalmers (click here for presentation)
- Jean-Francois Gagne, Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Wei-Shiuen Ng,Policy Analyst, International Transport Forum
- Sudhir Gota, Senior Transport and GHG Consultant, Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
Session 2C – Electric Mobility and the Energy-Transport Nexus: Identifying strategic partnerships for clean, efficient mobility
Electric mobility is advancing in the urban transportation sector, in large part because of local pollution issues and a growing number of city-level sustainability issues. Electric mobility is a means of integrating electricity generated from renewable energy sources in the transport sector. It offers major potential for business, for the environment and for society at large and delivers the possibility of zero-carbon mobility, making it an essential part of any energy and climate reform. The use of renewables can also address energy supply security issues as well as energy access issues in developing countries. This session will look at sectoral drivers in the transport and renewable energy sector and identify opportunities for strategic partnerships. Experts from the two sectors will outline the motivation to engage with the other sector. A panel discussion will look at how joint planning can increase the uptake of clean energy and ensure efficiency in the urban transportation system.
Moderator: Carel Snyman, SANEDI Energy and Transport
- Rana Adib, Research Coordinator, REN21
- Sheila Watson, Deputy Director & Director of Environment and Research, FIA Foundatio
- Christian Hochfeld, Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende (Mobility Transition), Germany
- Katharina Bernard, Business Development, Doppelmayr, Austria
Session 2D – Towards implementing the Paris Agreement in the transport sector: Linking NDCs and NAMAs
The session is split in two parts: The first part discusses early lessons learned from NAMA preparation and implementation, as well as how these NAMAs currently integrate with their countries’ NDCs; to what extent NAMAs are reflected in NDCs or not.
The second part then reflects the lessons learned in NAMAs and looks ahead with a discussion on challenges and opportunities of sectoral integration in NDCs. A set of hypotheses will be presented and discussed with the panel and audience to gather experiences from all participants.
Moderator: Urda Eichhorst, Advisor, GIZ, Germany
Co-Moderator: Laurence Blandford, Director, International Policy Analysis, Center for Clean Air
- Giovanni Pabón, Mitigation Coordinator, Directorate of Climate Change, Colombia Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
- Bopang Khutsoane, Department of Transport South Africa
- Vu Hai Luu, Ministry of Transport Vietnam
- Elisabeth Windisch, Ricardo Energy & Environment
Session 2E – Low Carbon Transport in Africa
The continued rapid growth of cities in Africa is resulting in acute housing shortages, traffic congestion, and uncontrolled peri-urban sprawl. Long-term impacts of these trends include not only rising greenhouse gas emissions, but also growing inequality, toxic levels of local air pollution, and increasing road collisions. Rapid scale-up of sustainable transport is critical to the future of African cities, which are expected to add over 300 million residents over the next 15 years. Low-carbon transport interventions in the continent will need to expand affordable mobility options, ensuring that all residents have access to dignified, well-managed facilities. The panel will explore the institutional and financial reforms needed to jumpstart sustainable transport initiatives. It will also explore opportunities for partnerships that can help advance the sustainable transport agenda in urban Africa
Moderator: Chris Kost, Director, ITDP Africa Office
- Shewangizaw Kifle, Chief Officer, Ethiopian Railways Corporation
- Aymen A. Osman Ali, Chief Transport Engineer, African Development Bank
- Amadou Saïdou BA, President, Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD)
- Mona Mohamed, General Manager, Technical Office, Ministry of Transport, Egypt
- Zacharia Mganilwa, Rector, National Institute of Transport, Tanzania
13.15 – 14.15: Lunch
14:15 – 14:45 Reporting Back from Breakout Sessions
[2 minutes report back from each of the 10 breakout sessions]14.45 – 15.45 Plenary session: Action on Sustainable low carbon transport in Africa session:
Africa is a rapidly changing continent and this session will outline and discuss strategies how Africa can link its transport developmental efforts with sound climate change management, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation. The outcomes of the session are expected to help facilitate the development of a regional strategy on low carbon development of the transport sector in Africa
Moderator: Heather Allen, Gender and Transport Expert, Outreach Consultant, Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport
- Alain Flausch, Secretary General, International Association of Public Transport
- Donat Bagula, Executive Director, African Northern Corridor
- Carlos Bonete Martinho, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Mozambique
- Samir Karoum, Vice-President Grands Projects Middle East, Africa & Central Asia, ALSTOM
- Amadou Ba, President of Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD)
15:45–16:15 Coffee Break
16.15 – 16:45 Pecha Kucha Session (one slide, 3 minutes)
- Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc, Dominique Serra, Founder and CEO
16:45 – 18:00 Plenary Session – Taking low carbon transport beyond the UNFCCC process.
The Paris Agreement is of immense value to the transport sector and the transport sector will have to actively participate in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Yet to realize the objectives set by the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals the transport sector will have to mobilize the active support of key political and economic groupings and at the same time assess how to respond to societal changes like the shared economy. Is transport sector ready to take such a next step in its path towards sustainability?
Moderator: Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General, Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport Partnership (SLoCaT)
- Peter Vis, Senior Advisor Decarbonisation of Transport, DG Mobility and Transport, European Commission (EC)
- Gustavo Fonseca, Director of Programs, Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Jose- Luis Irigoyen, Director of Transport and ICT Global Practice of the World Bank
- Claire Tutenuit, Executive Director, Entreprises pour L’Environnement
- Dolf Gielen, Director, Innovation and Technology Centre, IRENA
- Carlos Dora, Coordinator of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health Department, World Health Organization
- Christian Hochfeld, Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende (Mobility Transition), Germany
- Colin Beck, Solomon Islands’ ambassador to the United Nations (TBC)
- Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Head of Climate and Energy, WWF
18:00 – 20.00: Cocktail Reception
Diversity Profile
The organizers of Transport Day are committed to ensure diversity in the event reflecting a balance in gender, regional representation and stakeholders among speakers and panelists.
For more information:
- Mark Major, SLoCaT Partnership
- Talya Enriquez Romano, SLoCaT Partnership