The Paris Agreement on climate change sets an overall long-term direction for climate change policy which should be in line with the ambitious target of limiting temperature increase (’well below 2°C’ above pre-industrial levels, and to aim for a temperature increase of not more than 1.5°C’). Therefore, each sector of human activity, including the Transport sector, must define its course of action whilst taking into account: a decarbonization timeline of 2050-2060 for the most developed, and 2060-2080 for less developed economies.
For the Transport sector, the goal is to largely decarbonize and move from 7.7 Gt emissions/year down to 3 or 2 Gt by mid-century, while ensuring climate resilience of its infrastructures. Transport will be part of a “net-zero emission” economy, in which remaining emissions from specific sectors will need to be captured and sequestered or off-set through other means.
The PPMC proposes the development of a Global Macro-Roadmap through a phased action process, covering a 2020-2050+ timeline and thereby covering both short as well as mid- to long-term actions. This Roadmap aims to give a realistic (technically feasible) vision, with an operational focus for each segment of the Transport sector (people and freight; road, railway, aviation, waterborne; urban and rural). It is driven by new sustainable and inclusive growth opportunities called for by the SDGs.
The Roadmap focuses on identifying a balanced package of actions taking into account the main sustainable transport paradigm which combines Avoid (reduce unnecessary travel through e.g. land use planning or logistics redesign and halting counterproductive regulation that incentivizes travel by individual motorized vehicles), Shift (shift movement of goods and people to the most efficient modes, by scaling up good practices) and Improve (improve environmental performance of fuels and powertrains, intermodality and transport management).
Proposed components include:
Component 1: Urban transformation for healthier, inclusive lifestyles and efficient, resilient, prosperous cities
Component 2: Low-carbon energy supply strategy
Component 3: Improve modal and system efficiencies
Component 4: Optimize supply chains to manage freight Transport emissions
Component 5: Avoid vehicle kilometers for commuting, shopping and accessing services
Component 6: Provide low-carbon solutions for the rural (non-urban) populations
Component 7: Accelerate action on adaptation in the transport sector
Component 8: Large scale deployment of economic instruments to catalyse the transformation, including putting a price on GHGs
Global Macro-Roadmap: 8 Priorities
The Global Macro-Roadmap concept was presented first to the EU Informal Council of Ministers (Environment and Transport) in Amsterdam in April 2016. Further presentations were made at the Climate Action Summit (Washington, May), the International Transport Forum (Leipzig, May), at the Transport, Health, Environment PEP summit (Vienna, July) and a range of other meetings with various sectoral organizations. In October 2016, the Executive Council of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) expressed its support for the concept and its will to foster business leadership in the transport transformation.
In Marrakech the Global Macro Roadmap was formally presented, as an official COP 22 document for discussion, in events organized by the GCAA Transport team at the invitation of the two High Level Champions on Climate Change, including the Round-table for Transport Ministers and the Round Table for Transport CEOs. The wider sustainable Transport community discussed the relevance of the Global Macro-Roadmap in the annual Transport Day organized by the PPMC on November 13th 2016 as part of COP22. This first round of consultations ended in a Discussion Draft of the GMR endorsed by the GCAA, , which took into account comments received during COP22. Following this first achievement, PPMC has been organizing an extensive stakeholder consultation in April-May, 2017, to be able to present a new enriched version of the GMR at COP 23 in Bonn. The present document is the result of this process of collective discussions and reflections. It must be regarded as a living document that will be updated on a regular basis to reflect relevant policy announcements and new technological developments.
The full-text of the Global Macro-Roadmap
Please full-text of the document in English and French:
- Global Macro-Roadmap (November 2017)
- French language version of the document Macro-Feuille De Route Mondiale Pour Un Transport Décarboné Et Résilient : Une Dynamique De Transformation is available here.
Regional Adaptations of the Global Macro Roadmap
The GMR provides a global framework alongside 8 components that need to be assessed in regional contexts with respect to their differentiated mitigation potential and adaptation needs, also taking into account broader sustainable development impacts. Accordingly, PPMC has been involved since 2017 in a “GMR differentiation work stream” with the development of regionally adjusted versions of the GMR, based on analytical work and dedicated consultation workshops, so as to reflect regional characteristics, requirements and opportunities.
PPMC has thus committed to following work streams:
- Africa: GMR adaptation engaged under the aegis of PPMC, with support of Michelin, based on a large “bottom up” process including online survey, extensive consultations and thematic workshops at the Climate Chance Summit, in Agadir, September 2017. Approach focused on local leapfrog opportunities and the potential of reverse innovation to overcome challenges for the transport sector regarding climate. Final report for COP 23 in Bonn.
- Europe: report backed by the Jean Monnet Foundation, based on the work of an expert group including PPMC cofounder Patrick Oliva, and issued under the tile “Sustainable Mobility -An Appeal to European Decision-Makers” in the DEBATES AND DOCUMENTS COLLECTION-March 2018.
- France: based on the GMR approach, the French Government requested Patrick Oliva as PPMC cofounder to chair the “green mobility working group” based on the nationwide consultations aka “Assises de la Mobilité” organized in autumn 2017 under the aegis of Transport Minister for the new “orientation law” on mobility and transportation to be discussed in the French Parliament in spring 2018.
- India: the roadmap for low carbon and sustainable mobility in India kicked off in November 2018 under the aegis of PPMC, with the support of WWF in collaboration with FICCI and funded by the Michelin Foundation. The project formed in early 2019 a working group for each of the eight roadmap components. A couple of working group meetings have been already held, such as two meetings on Component 2 (low-carbon energy supply) in February 2019, a meeting on Component 5 (avoid vehicle kilometers) in March 2019 and Component 8 (economic instruments and finance) in February 2019. The meetings were coordinated by FICCI and inputs are being collated. In addition, WWF-India coordinated working group meetings on Component 1 (urban transformation), in February and march 2019 and Component 6 (solutions for rural populations) in February 2019. The disbursement of the first installment funds for the India Roadmap project amounting to (INR 127, 96, 740 ) has been received from WWF-India. The India Roadmap on Low Carbon and Sustainable Mobility was set up under the aegis of PPMC and developed by FICCI with the support of WWF India and Shakti. More information are provided here and here by FICCI.
- Ivory Coast: Since the success sparked by the 2018 Climate Chance Africa Summit in Abidjan, and the growing focus on local climate action in Africa, PPMC in close collaboration with the African Mobility Observatory continued to work with the Climate Chance Transport Coalition resulting in the fostering of a GMR adaptation specifically to the Ivory Coast. In 2019, with the support of the Michelin Foundation, Climate Chance recruited a local expert to accompany an exercise to structure a sustainable mobility strategy in Ivory Coast. The coalition has entered a new phase in June 2020 with the help of IDDRI: the modelling of data on mobility and transport, which will be incorporated into the mobility strategy defined in the roadmap. If the situation linked to the Covid-19 outbreak improves, three workshops will be organised in three cities of the Ivory Coast (Bouaké, Cocody and Odienné) in July and August to bring together non-state actors and discuss issues linked to sustainable mobility. The new goals and results of the roadmap will be presented during these workshops, which will be a perfect opportunity for the coalition to fine-tune the objectives of the national roadmap by taking into account the different local realities. This new and improved national roadmap on mobility will then be presented to the Ivorian State in the hope that they adopt the mobility strategy drawn up by these Ivorian non-governmental actors and include it, for example, in the Ivorian National Contribution (NDC) in Autumn 2020.
- Kenya: building on its interest for the African adaptation approach, AFD is willing to make Kenya a case study in close partnership with PPMC and the Kenyan authorities. Project currently being engaged.
- Morocco: GMR adaptation engaged under the aegis of Morocco as a legacy from the COP 22 presidency, with support of SLoCaT on behalf of PPMC, and GIZ. Please see final version here.